In what Languages were the Books of the Bible written?
The word Bible literally means ‘Books’. We see it today as one Book and we often refer to it as ‘a Book’. This is why… Read More »In what Languages were the Books of the Bible written?
The word Bible literally means ‘Books’. We see it today as one Book and we often refer to it as ‘a Book’. This is why… Read More »In what Languages were the Books of the Bible written?
We saw that the Qur’an says that the Taurat, Zabur and Injil of the Bible (al kitab) are not corrupted. The Qur’an clearly states that the… Read More »The Injil Corrupted! What do the Hadiths say?
I have many Muslim friends. Because I am also a believer in Allah (God), and a follower of the Injil (Gospel), I have many conversations… Read More »The Injil Corrupted! What does the Qur’an say?