Why are there so many Bible 'Versions'?
Recently I was in a mosque listening to the imam’s teaching. He said something very misleading. What he said I have heard many times before – from… Read More »Why are there so many Bible 'Versions'?
Recently I was in a mosque listening to the imam’s teaching. He said something very misleading. What he said I have heard many times before – from… Read More »Why are there so many Bible 'Versions'?
Textual Criticism and the Bible (al-Kitab) In our scientific and educated age, we question many of the non-scientific beliefs that earlier generations had. This scepticism… Read More »The Science of Textual Criticism – to see if the Bible is corrupted or not
The danger before us is that we ask this with a superficial answer already in our minds. “Of course, Paul or one of the others… Read More »Did Paul or other Bible writers corrupt the Injil?