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Euro Al-Injil
Your site to understand all that the Prophets have spoken
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Euro Al-Injil
Your site to understand all that the Prophets have spoken
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Welcome to Al Injil
About Me
What this site is NOT about
Signs from the Taurat-Qur’an
Introduction: The Pattern of ‘Gospel’ (Injil) in the Qur’an as a Sign from Allah
Made in the Image of Allah
But corrupted … like Orcs of Middle-earth
The Sign of Adam
The Sign of Qabil & Habil
The Sign of Nouh
The Sign of Lut
Sign 1 of Ibrahim: Blessing
Sign 2 of Ibrahim: Right-ness
Sign 3 of Ibrahim: Sacrifice
Sign 1 of Musa: The Passover
Sign 2 of Musa: The Law
Sign of Harun: 1 Cow, 2 Goats
Taurat’s Sign of the Prophet
The Close: Blessings & Curses
Prophecies of Zabur
Introducing The Zabur
The Sign of the Virgin’s Son
The Coming Kingdom
Where does ‘Masih’ of Isa & ‘Christ’ of Jesus come from?
The Sign of Our Thirst
Sign of the New Covenant
The Sign of The Branch: Coming Masih named
The Coming Masih: In Signs of ‘Seven’
The Masih: Coming to rule … or be ‘cut off’?
Sign of the Coming Servant
Zabur Closes with Promise of the Coming Preparer
The Injil unveiled
Pentecost – the Helper comes to give Power & Guidance
Understanding & Receiving the Gift of Life from Isa al Masih
Resurrection First Fruits: Life for you
Day 7 – Sabbath Rest
Day 6 – Isa al Masih and Good Friday
Day 5 – Shaytan descends to strike the Masih
Days 3 & 4 – Isa al Masih foretells the future and his Return
Day 2: Isa al Masih selected where Al-Aqsa & Dome of the Rock are today
Day 1: Isa al Masih- Light to the Nations
Isa al Masih declares Jihad – in a startling way, to a different enemy, at the exact time
The Prophet Isa al Masih (PBUH) saves a ‘lost’ traitor
Isa al Masih’s (PBUH) Mission in the Raising of Lazarus
The Prophet Isa al Masih (PBUH) and the sign of Jonah
The Prophet Isa al Masih (PBUH) does a ‘Hajj’
Isa al Masih (PBUH) comes to find the Lost
The Prophet Isa al Masih (PBUH) extends Mercy
The Prophet Yahya (PBUH) suffers and shows true Martyrdom
Isa al Masih (PBUH) offers ‘Living Water’
Isa al Masih (PBUH) teaches about entering paradise
Isa al Masih (PBUH) teaches with Parables
Isa al Masih teaches on forgiveness
The Masih teaches on Inner Cleanliness
The Kingdom of God: Many are Invited but…
Prophet Isa al Masih’s (PBUH) Word of Authority over Nature
The Prophet Isa (PBUH) heals by Word of Authority
The Masih Revealed – by Teaching with Authority
The Masih tested by Shaytan
The Prophet Yahya (PBUH) Prepares the Way
Birth of al Masih: foretold by prophets, announced by Jibril
Reliable and Unchanged
The Injil Corrupted! What does the Qur’an say?
The Injil Corrupted! What do the Hadiths say?
In what Languages were the Books of the Bible written?
Why did Isa (PBUH) speak in Aramaic while the Gospels were written in Greek?
Why are there four Gospel accounts for one Injil?
The Qur'an replaces the Bible! What says the Qur'an?
Did Paul or other Bible writers corrupt the Injil?
The Science of Textual Criticism – to see if the Bible is corrupted or not
Why are there so many Bible 'Versions'?
How was the Bible translated?
Qur’an: No Variations! What say the hadiths?
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Old Testament Reliability
Common Questions
What is the evidence for God’s existence?
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it?
What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?
Why would a Loving God allow Suffering, Pain and Death?
What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
What’s the Gospel? Considered through COVID, Quarantine and Vaccine
Apparel: Why More than just Clothing?
Races and Languages: From Where? Answering Racism
The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
The Resurrection of Christ from the dead – the greatest truth in history?
Death of Christ on the Cross and his Resurrection: Are they facts or inventions?
Who was Yusuf? What was his Sign?
Who was the Prophet Job? Why is he important today?
Quran and History: Did Isa al Masih die on the cross?
Who was the prophet Elias? How can he guide us today?
Night of Power, Day of Glory & Word of the Prophets
Do Angels on the Right and Left help on Judgment Day?
What is the message of ‘al Kitab’ – The Book?
How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
Understanding & Receiving the Gift of Life from Isa al Masih
How did the Psalms and Prophets prophesy of Isa al Masih?
How did the Taurat of Musa prophesy about Isa al Masih?
Why did a Good God create a Bad Devil?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the ancient Chinese
The holy month of Ramadan – How to fast?
How are we to understand the title ’Son of God’?
Where does ‘Masih’ of Isa & ‘Christ’ of Jesus come from?
Should Christmas be ‘Merry’ for Muslims too?
Who was the ‘Spirit of Truth’ that Isa (pbuh) promised in the Injil
History of the Israelites: Did the Curses of Musa (PBUH) come to pass?
Did the Conclusion of the Curse of Musa (PBUH) occur?
The Gospel 'according to' … who?
No I am not Keeping ALL the Commandments
Yes I am Keeping all the Commandments
How Much do we need to obey the Law?
Did Ibrahim (PBUH) sacrifice Ishmael or Isaac?
From Taurat: What is the account of the prophet Ishmael (PBUH)?
Yes I am Keeping all the Commandments
No I am not Keeping ALL the Commandments
Signs of the Zodiac
The Esna Zodiac & Sphinx marking the zodiac start
Leo in the Ancient Zodiac
Cancer in the Ancient Zodiac
Gemini in the Ancient Zodiac
Taurus in the Ancient Zodiac
Aries in the Ancient Zodiac
Pisces in the Ancient Zodiac
Aquarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Capricorn in the Ancient Zodiac
Sagittarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Scorpio in the Ancient Zodiac
Libra in the Ancient Zodiac
Virgo & the Zodiac as Signs for my Life
The Esna Zodiac & Sphinx marking the zodiac start
The Day: Surahs & Gospel of John
The Day: Al-Humazah & The Masih
The Day: At-Tariq, Al-Adiyat & the Masih
The Day: Al-Qariah & At-Takathur and the Masih
The Day: Al-Masad & Al-Hadid and The Masih
The Day: Al-Inshiqaq & At-Tur and The Masih
Alkululekum: Stories of Freedom
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Common Questions
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Apr 5, 2023
What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?
Apr 12, 2023
Why would a Loving God allow Suffering, Pain and Death?
Apr 12, 2023
What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?
Apr 12, 2023
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it?
Apr 12, 2023
What is the evidence for God’s existence?
May 29, 2023
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